2024 Overton County
Veterans Board
Robbie Melton Commissioner/Chair 931-445-5524 rmelton@overtoncountytn.gov
Jesse Bowman Commissioner 319-1227/931-445-3922 jbowman@overtoncountytn.gov
Donna Savage Commissioner 931-823-7139 dsavage@overtoncountytn.gov
Terri Costa VFW Commander 256-473-0933 delta.costa@yahoo.com
Ken Werner American Legion Comm. 931-397-1346 kenw9688@gmail.com
Romanna Schnitcke Auxiliary President 218-316-0927 romannas@twlakes.net
Thomas Garrett O.C. Honor Guard 931-310-3665 tgarrett407@gmail.com
Roxanne Sidwell County Service Officer 931-823-2570 rsidwell@overtoncountytn.gov
Board meets quarterly at the Millard Oakley Building, 306 West Main Street, Frank Martin Community Room (conference room) at 5pm.
The meeting date is set by the CSO and given to the county executive office in advance to circulate to board members.
Download a copy of our Agenda Below!!